This is the most common question from all first-time users How To Renew Your Contractor’s License? The answers you can find from so many websites are legit and some are not. In this article, we will provide you with true things about it.
The application for a certificate of renewal must be submitted to the Secretary of State on or before March 1 of each year. In order to obtain a certificate of renewal, the following must be completed.
- File with the Secretary of State a Contractor License Renewal, which includes:
a) A listing of each project, contract, or subcontract completed by the licensee during the preceding calendar year in North Dakota over the amount of $25,000 per job;
b) The nature of the work of each project, contract, or subcontract; and
c) A certification that the applicant has submitted all payroll taxes including North Dakota income tax, workers’ compensation premiums, and unemployment insurance premiums due at the time of renewal.
- A certificate of insurance indicating liability coverage as proof that the applicant has secured liability insurance.
- The appropriate filing fee is made payable to the Secretary of State. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are also accepted.

If the license renewal application is filed after the deadline of March 1, state law requires the payment of a penalty fee. This penalty fee must be submitted along with the requirements listed above.

How Often Do You Have To Renew Your Contractor’s License
Contractor licenses are issued in two ways: Active License or inactive License. Both have different duration to renewal like
- Active licenses expire every two years.
- Inactive licenses expire every four years.
Renewal Applications
Approximately 60 days before your license is due to expire, CSLB will send you a renewal application.
To ensure timely receipt of all license maintenance information, be sure to notify the Board of any change to the address maintained on Board records.
If you have not received a renewal application from the CSLB within 45 days of the expiration date, you can order a renewal online or by calling the CSLB at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752).
An acceptable renewal application must be received at CSLB’s Headquarters Office prior to the expiration date of the license to avoid any unlicensed time.
It is your responsibility to make sure your license is renewed, even if you don’t receive a renewal form.
Because processing times can vary significantly, timely submission of your renewal is strongly recommended.
Beginning in 2021, the registrar is required to retroactively reinstate an expired contractor’s license if a completed license renewal application is received with the appropriate fees within 90 days of the license expiration date (SB 1474).
Renewal Fees
For completed license renewals received by March 31, 2021, renewal fees are:
- If gross annual receipts are less than $1 million, the renewal fee is $445.
- If gross annual receipts are between $1 million and $5 million, the renewal fee is $545.
- If gross annual receipts are more than $5 million, the renewal fee is $645.
- A $60 late fee is added when a completed renewal is not received by the license expiration date.
- A completed license renewal submitted by March 1 is automatically deemed to be a timely renewal.
- We cannot guarantee that renewals submitted after March 1 will be processed prior to the expiration date, and a license cannot be considered to be renewed until it is completely processed and approved by DLI staff.
- Submit renewals as early as possible to avoid delays and a possible lapse in licensure. After March 31, municipalities cannot issue building permits to contractors whose license renewals have not been processed and approved.
In conclusion, it is important to go through the process of renewing your contractor’s license to avoid any penalties. The first step is to send in a completed renewal application along with the required fee.
You will then need to take and pass a business law examination. Lastly, provide proof of insurance and workers’ compensation coverage.
Once you have done all of this, you will be able to continue working as a contractor without any issues. Read more articles on dailyrewards.